Post-Natal Pilates: Patience, Progress and the Pelvic floor…

Your patience quota may be running dangerously close to empty, and you are longing to get back in those jeans or nice frock and feel a little back to ‘you’…surely, you may cry in your sleep deprived state where even a few seconds in the shower feels likes a luxury and sneezing is a bit scary, a full-on cardio workout with some decent sweating would be far more time effective at getting my figure back!?
Well a bit yes, and a lot no. Of course, we all need a bit of cardio to keep that heart healthy and pumping effectively and to feel a bit more energised and happy but rushing to try and return our body to its pre-pregnant state too quickly and with the wrong type of exercise can really, honestly do more harm than good.
Too much, too soon can hinder recovery. Basics: if you don’t give your pelvic floor (or #baby trampoline) and core abdominal muscles time to repair properly, you may end up with increasingly worse back pain and joint ache as you won’t have the core strength for even the most basic, everyday stuff like lifting a car seat, let alone the strong base that high impact activities need. And if you have had any separation of the abdominal muscles (diastasis), they need dealing with properly and carefully to help them come back together. Those babies/pushchairs/car seats ain’t going to get any lighter either!
Allow your body to heal and recover from the utterly amazing thing it just did there. You can attend a Post Natal Pilates classes once you have your 6 week GP check (12 weeks for a Caesarean).
And what else do Post Natal Pilates classes offer?
- increases body awareness by moving all your joints in a controlled way
- improves any poor posture brought on by your bump
- teaches breathing techniques for use in relaxation
- plenty of essential pelvic floor exercises to regain control and increase strength
- improve any symptoms of SPD
- meet other Mum’s and build friendships
- build self-esteem, confidence and help and post-natal depression
- prepare and strengthen the body for carrying your baby and equipment
- helps with upper back rounding as you spend time feeding
- learn about the way the body moves
- increase circulation and feeling of well being
- manage joint instability following birth
- increase strength around pelvis to help for daily functions
- time for you!
And who needs more sweaty stuff anyway? You’ve got enough washing to do for now….