Sun 07th February 2021

Welcome to VitaChat the Pilates Podcast

It’s finally February and the snowdrops and daffodils are finally emerging with the speed of the vaccination process. Hooray on all accounts.

And it’s not that I didn’t want to write our blog this month, but instead Liz and I decided to get outside for a walk and record a VitaChats podcast. Firstly, we love a good podcast to walk or potter round the house to, secondly, we love talking movement stuff and wellness with each other, and honestly, we missed the Pilates chats we were having together on the VitaVids, where we were pinging off each other and sharing with our clients all kinds of extra Pilates, movement and general lockdown life stuff.

So, here it is! We took a socially-distanced-microphoned-together yomp around Liz’s woods in the rain with the dog and a vague agenda. We hope you enjoy! Click play below or is you use the Podbean podcast app then subscribe to the podcast by clicking here.